Physiology eBooks

MONASH University 

 Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences

Research Integrity – Preamble

In 2007 the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia, the Australian Research Council and Universities Australia released the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, to guide institutions and researchers by describing the underpinning values of “good research practice” and provide institutions with a framework to resolve allegations of research misconduct.

Monash recognises its responsibility to the community to ensure all research activities are conducted in accordance with the highest ethical standards and is committed to protecting the rights, dignity, health, safety and privacy of the community, including research subjects, and to the welfare of animals and the integrity of the environment.

To articulate what is expected of Monash researchers, Policy and Procedures have been developed to encompass the expectations of the Code covering areas such as data management, supervision or research trainees, publication and dissemination of research findings, authorship, peer review, conflict of interest, and ethical clearances.

These documents are available below, and through the Monash Policy Bank for Research and Research Training Policies and Procedures. Note that some specific documents from the Policy Bank, on genetically modified organisms, has not been included in the links below for reasons of space, but can be found in the above link to the Policy Bank.

Policies and Procedures

Research Integrity Advisors

Monash acknowledges that what is accepted research practice varies between disciplines and that honest error and differences in interpretations or judgments of data will occur. In such circumstances it is invaluable to be able to discuss concerns about research integrity with individuals both knowledgeable and experienced in specific areas.

Monash has appointed a number of individuals to act as Research Integrity Advisors. These academics and professional staff may be approached when researchers have concerns about appropriate conduct of research and may be considering making allegations of research misconduct. Their role is not to investigate or assess any allegations but to use their research experience, knowledge of Monash policy and familiarity with the accepted practices in research to assist researchers understand what research misconduct entails and what their options are to address any concerns. Their role is not to make judgments about whether specific concerns meet criteria for research misconduct.

A list of Research Integrity Advisors at Monash can be found here.